It’s Wednesday, you know what that means… ToyFarce reviews!
This week, we’re looking at the NYCC 2019 exclusive two-packs from NECA, that included a Batman figure with a Joker Alien, and a Green Lantern with a Yellow Lantern Predator! I had been on the lookout for those sets since they were announced. They were inevitably all scalped on eBay and people wanted over $200 for each set for a while, until one day, they started to randomly pop up at Walmart stores during 2020. This led to the prices going a bit down, and after waiting for a while, I found someone in a Facebook group that would sell them at a reasonable price (I still overpaid, but they were only $15-20 more than retail, which was $59,99).
The packaging are some of the most sober ones i’ve seen. A simple black box with logos on the front. No text, no pictures, nothing else.
When NECA made DC Comics figures… and did it really well!
First off, the Batman and Aliens set. I knew I wanted that set since I first saw that Batman figure. It’s a hell of a nice Batman figure! At the time, DC Collectibles/Direct and Mattel were the only ones in town doing DC figures, so seeing that NECA version was a nice surprise. Then, there is that Joker-looking Xenomorph, which is better than having a basic, normal Xenomorph! I’ll take a variation of the normal Xenomorph any day!
Basic packaging is basic.
The cape on that Batman figure has a great feel to it. DC Collectibles ended up doing a similar one on the Batman vs TMNT figures.
That Caped Crusader is JACKED! #proteinshake
The face-off
You have bad breath.
You wanna hear a ‘knock knock’ joke?
The Green Lantern/Predator set ended up being the most interesting one, in the sense that it not only gave us a great Hal Jordan figure, but also a Yellow Lantern Predator, which would be terrifying, when you think about it. The Yellow Lantern corps’ emotion being fear, the Predator would be a great asset for them.
Both figures come with various accessories, green and yellow constructs from their rings.
In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night… No Evil shall escape my sight… Let those who worship Evil’s might… Beware my power, Green Lantern’s light!
In Blackest Day, in Brightest Night… Beware your fears made into light…
Let those who try to stop what’s right… Burn like his power, Sinestro’s might!
One of the accessories, John Stewart’s head, gives you an extra figure for the set!
Respect social distancing!
Nice ring!
That doesn’t look very efficient…
Green vs Yellow… fight!
I would lie if I said I wanted those sets for the Alien and Predator figures over the DC Comics ones, but in the end, both figures in each set ended up being great. NECA still did an awesome job with those DC figures. I’d love them to revisit that down the line. There is also an ‘Armored Batman’ and Predator, and a Superman with a normal Xenomorph two-packs, which I might get someday, but those were really my priority, considering Batman and Green Lantern are my favorite characters.
Comparison with the DC Essentials Batman, and the McFarlane Toys Batman (Detective Comics 1000) which all came out within a year.
What? You don’t like this makeover? I spared no expense!
DC Essentials Hal Jordan and NECA Hal Jordan
With that ring, you make anything appear in solid light. It doesn’t have to be your own weapons, you can do anything! An elephant, a balloon, whatever you want!
More news at 11:00… In Brightest day, in Blackest night…
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